For existing relationships, the Two of Wands reversed means that they see you as someone who takes them for granted. They see you as someone that prevents them from thinking long-term about their life. He looks out into the distance towards his kingdom. They are excited to traverse this new path with you. They must reflect on what they truly want before you can consider reaching out to them again. For relationships and feelings, the Page of Wands represents big ideas, new opportunities, and spontaneity. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. If the Two of Wands would sit in a horizontal position, it advises you to be in your presence. All rights reserved. Since the two of you have been together for a long time, they are pressured to take the relationship to the next level even though they are not yet ready for this kind of commitment. The Two of Wands, along with another card of the Wands Suit, means there is a lot of passion behind the path you want to choose for yourself. They are in the process of rediscovering themselves and knowing what they want. Fair-minded and merciful, but not emotional. The Four of Wands means that they see you as a huge part of their support system. But as soon as you try to say "yeah, I had a bad day too" they need to go for some reason. They are sure that youre the one for them and theres no one else out there that can even come close to you. Ready 4 the first sad person that's interested. Comes with an assortment of blue flowers & all blue cute set items (+ surprises), cause let's face it.. u cute, even if no one gave you a candy heart that said so.. This card coming in reversed means that this someone is not very happy about you. If you are asking how someone feels about you, the Seven of Wands can suggest that they feel the need to assert themselves to get their point of view across. About laying down rules. Lovers Tarot Card Meanings - Free Tarot Tutorials Two of Wands, being the second card of the Wands Suit, carries all the qualities of number 2 . Two of Wands Reversed as Someone's Feelings for You. Stay patient and continue supporting them to the best of your capabilities. There never exists a dull moment between you two. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You may be thinking about choosing between two lovers, or having a hard time deciding who and what to trust, even if you are considering choosing to follow the romantic route with a good friend who you fear may not see you the same way. This card can also indicate that someone is feeling defensive . We drew: Four of Wands (present) and .. Hermit (Future) Thoughts appreciated +thank you! You just need a specific answer to the question for a present situation that is bothering you. As the King of Wands suggests, they may have a quick temper or strong opinions, but they notice that you calm them. This means that although you are still capable of achieving what you set out to do, you may need to put in a little extra effort in order to see the results you desire. The Swords Suit gets its share of being a negative suit, where most of the cards represent anxiety, failure, walking away. The Four of Wands reminds us that life is all about celebrating with those we love. Your email address will not be published. Nine of Wands tarot card meaning If you are asking about an exs intentions, the Four of Wands shows that they see you as their twin flame, even after the time spent apart. If it is a question that involves around the timing of an event and you pull the Two of Wands, this would mean that whatever you desire or wonder about will manifest pretty soon. This person is probably greedy and they want the . In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Page of Wands means that they see you as a full sprint ahead. - Passionate, energetic and inspirational; - this card has often represented the energy of someone who's been burned in the past; they like you, but they are leery of letting down their emotional guard. They have genuine intense love for you, and this is the basis for any strong marriage. They may even get butterflies in their stomach when they see you. Master List: Tarot Cards as How Someone Sees You 2 of Wands as how someone sees you - No spell removal upsells, we promise. They need to go back to the drawing board and redraft their goals. For how someone sees you, this person sees you as someone strong and resilient. Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. By being with someone you are not compatible with you will know who you are compatible with. (Wards and Wands) by Rebecca Royce 1 of 1 FREE Shipping Only 1 left See More. It is time to start planning and setting expectations for the future. But I also think there can be hesitation indicated by this card, maybe he's a bit hesitant because he's not sure how either of you feel about him? The relationship has drastically slowed down over its course. The Three of Wands tarot card can indicate that the person is feeling very sure about you. Proudly made in Austin, TX. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us | About Us. They see you as someone they definitely want, and nothing can change their mind. They may also see you as someone who is family-oriented and always puts others first. The Queen of Swords As Feelings. - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. For existing relationships, the Page of Wands means that they see you as part of a connection that they want to continue. There is a focus on widowhood. A crescent moon is rising over a rocky shore. TRAGIC MAGIC (WARDS and Wands) by Rebecca Royce - $39.96. 10 of wands, how someone sees you | Page 3 | Tarot Forum Regarding the way someone sees you, the Ace of Swords means they are discovering a new side of you they hadn't noticed before. If you want to know how someone is feeling about you, the Justice card is not a good indicator. The upright position suggests that the person still feels invested in a situation, while the reversed position suggests that they have checked out. If you draw the Two of Wands along with the Pentacles Suit cards, it means that you have a contract to sign, or an offer presented to you. You bring nothing but happiness to them. But that, for me, is not the usual meaning. When drawing tarot cards, usually they are put in a vertical setting, spread on a timeline of the past, present, and future. In this person's eyes, you can do anything your heart desires and seem to attract and command an audience. Two of wands Meaning. If you pull the Two of Wands, reversed, it means your romantic and relationship needs are not being fulfilled. The way they see you is amazing for the beginning and survival of a relationship. A stone bench rests on a flat gray foundation. You always came back, though, without him changing enough, so for one thing, that caused him to believe you'll never leave for good. If you are dating more than one person, seeing who is a better fit for you, not a kind thing to do, some would take it . This is a great take on the card. They see you as very sexy, vibrant, and bubbly. In this process, you may need to patiently wait for them. They see you as a long-term connection. Love is not just about a feeling. They want to have a clearer picture before they can proceed. to me this is not a "passion" card because the guy on the drawing looks kind of bored, he owns everything he wanted and now he has no passion for reaching something on life. For existing relationships, the King of Wands means that they see you as a shining light in their life. They have not yet moved on from you. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? They want to begin this era as soon as possible. 3) THE NAYSAYERS - You can see the 6 wands but you can't see the people. They are excited to embark on this new journey together with you. Well-balanced, you are exactly where youre supposed to be. The Page of Wands is the card of adventure, excitement, new ideas, energy, and fearlessness. They are afraid you will hurt them. Maybe a family member you have to take care of, or finances, etc. It says that you dont have your steps figured out, you dont really know what you want, so instead of messing around and losing even what you possess at the moment, it would be wiser to be in the present, and figure out your situation later, when you are not in your head or heart that much. We will have a look at how the Two of Wands would be interpreted and affect the outcome of the reading in the light of Suits. Seen some people build bases in here, what do you think of mine? The Queen of Swords as someone's feelings for another is being cool and cutting you away. They find themselves always being generous to you even when they are not in a good mood. Just open up to your partner and speak to them openly. This is because the Justice card is not a card of emotion or feeling, but rather depicts a situation as it is. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. The card depicts a couple dancing beneath a wreath tied between four wands. As for feelings, the 9 of Wands Tarot card can also mean that someone feels they are willing to go the extra mile for you and they will persevere, particularly in a romantic context. Also, do not be afraid to follow your passion. 2. They may even see you as boring. This is a time when we need to be on our game and ready to fight for what we want. The seeker is full of ideas, and new thoughts are bubbling up. Seven of Wands tarot card meaning The Two of Wands, in reverse, would mean that you are stuck wherever you are. A problem can be solved with a simple solution. The horse is white, that is a famous symbol of strength, purity in addition to success. They view you as a liability rather than an asset. When we see the Seven of Wands in a reading, it is a reminder that we need to stand our ground and stay true to ourselves. All they see is someone they want to be together with forever. They feel very loved by you and they see you as a source of warmth when things are getting tough. It suggests that you will find what youre looking for, and that you should take a chance on love. They are confident you can have a bright future together. There is definitely a possibility of getting back together with your ex if you draw the upright Page of Wands. They want something more and sadly, you seem to not be what they are looking for. ); - In the 3 of Wands, the ships are coming back to port. You are using an out of date browser. This person is well aware that they cannot change, but they are feeling very afraid of what this change can bring. Right now, they are contemplating if reconciliation is what they want or if they are ready to move on altogether. If you are feeling overwhelmed by lifes challenges, remember that you are not alone. Proudly made in Austin, TX. If you are asking about an exs intentions, the King of Wands shows that they see you as someone they cannot escape from. The card depicts a couple dancing beneath a wreath tied between four wands. Are you ready to start planning for the future? They also feel that they lack vision for the future. Anxiety is being lifted. ", 2 of wands-4 of pentacles in a relationship reading. The upright Page of Wands is an amazing card to draw if you are embarking on a new relationship or are single. The Two of Wands would advise you to take the new job. In general, the Two of Wands is a very positive card. About us. The Four of Wands reminds us that life is about celebrating with our loved ones. 2/Wands is a choice, but unlike the Lovers card, it's not a big choice. The Two of Wands reversed means that they see you as a significant person in their life. On it sits a person wearing a full-length robe. To me, if the question was "how he sees me" the card could show what he sees when he looks at you or im i wrong? If he sees you this way, maybe he looks at you as someone interested in other subjects, not looking for love right now i hope im wrong. Theres plenty of love to go around here. It is the number of duality and of opposing forces. If you are asking about how someone sees you, and you draw the Page of Wands, that means this person sees you as excited. In a traditional tarot card deck of 78 cards, we find romance, love and intimacy sprinkled throughout many of the cards. In a psychic reading, there are at least six cards drawn, and each tarot cards meaning is interpreted along with the other cards, always bearing in mind the first question upon which the reading is conducted and aims to give answers. There is clearly a potential for both of you. Big picture vision and the passion to succeed are important. However, be careful as these feelings could simply be a result of overwhelming excitement that could fade over time. Look around, and yearly you will see more and more people with lash extensions and receiving fast beauty services (like nails, spray tans etc). He has a vision for his empire, and he is ready to make decisions to expand it. The Two of Wands is one of the most important Tarot cards. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. The action necessary for coping with such a person is to have strict boundaries and to keep them. For relationships and feelings, the Four of Wands represents celebration, weddings, family, harmony and long-term prospects. Now is the time to have an honest conversation with one another and communicate what you want to happen. When we are at our strongest, they are there to cheer us onward. She could be just a puppet for someone who is more dominant; - as someone who causes drama. Change is inevitable. They see you as someone who is always causing problems and never solving them. Only then can you really know who you are. This person sees you as someone who is exciting and inspiring, someone who they can have a lot of fun with. If youre thinking about starting a relationship with someone, dont be afraid to take a chance. The Two of Wands reminds us that when we want to make progress in life and relationships, we have to take that first step into the unknown. The success will be very close. By. Ask unlimited questions. This means they feel lost. So, when I read your post, I pulled the card out of the Universal Waite Tarot. Also at times, Wands can be about passion. Yes. This card can also indicate that someone is feeling defensive and may be looking for a fight. The Seven of Wands suggests that we need to be assertive and go after what we want. Also at times, Wands can be about passion. For the negative points . But the 4's seem to act like yin-to-yang with such elements. Remember, this is a scary moment for your partner. A psychic will see the tarot cards in a symbiotic relationship with one another, never try to read them one by one, but the whole drawing as a whole. Discuss what you have in mind, and they are willing to listen to what you have to say. The globe in his hand represents new potential opportunities and experiences. If you have dreamed your whole life for the perfect home, family, lover, and this is not that, dont stop looking yet. They do not know what they want, and as a result they always hesitate to start a new relationship. If Two of Wands is reversed, it will show pride and excessive ambition when it comes to mastering situations. Sometimes, we dont have a specific question. As well as just hands, these signals can be made with a variety of paddles, batons and wands - both lit . Your unwavering support makes them feel complete. When you know yourself deeply, you will know what the right choice is. For existing relationships, the Four of Wands means that they see you as a stable entity.