It is also associated with diversity since it values uniqueness and depth. Regarding personality, psychologists who focus on human individuality look into the explanations and processes of patterns of behavior and experience. Raymond A. In most cases what school therapist diagnoses as attention deficient disorder, are no more than normal, hyperactive teens who are trying to express their individuality. Perfect citizens are those who are able to conform to some degree to interact and learn from others while personally impacting the world around. Often, designer clothing influences the likelihood that children will be popular in school. I agree with the point that was made in the video about conformity that occur in the American education system. At its best, conformity offers a sense of belonging and group identity and can encourage people to adhere to moral standards. Dr. Iroise Dumontheil, author of research regarding the development of students, declared that it was not due to lack of motivation that students have trouble focusing in school. If conforming to a norm will help your group solve a collective problem, its likely beneficial for you to follow suit. Specifically, conformity is a social influence which involves compliance with group norms or laws while individuality refers to the quality that distinguishes a person from others. height: 22px; Public opinions on the length of the school days are different. Here are some of the reasons why. In this forum I will be discussing the quote from Mark Twian, "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education". Prioritizing individuality in the schools allows students to be free of constraints, and to increase their want to learn through being able to differentiate and personalize their schedules. This is especially true as kids get older and can become resentful of their inability to choose personal clothing styles. Recently, this issue has come to the fore via Elizabeth Weils essay in the New Republic, American Schools Are Failing Nonconformist Kids. This puts immense pressure on students taking the tests, often leading to an obsession with doing well. This happens when an individual is intrinsically motivated to accept the influence because he agrees with the ideas and actions involved. This undying desire to succeed on standardized tests is causing major problems in many teens lives that would be absent without the mentality that succeeding on standardized tests is a major way to gain admission into a. How Society Affects the Behavior, Attitude, and Character of Teens, How Parents Can Keep Their Teens Safe on Facebook, Guide for Teachers: Main Causes of Bullying in School, How Mothers Can Keep their Kids Safe from Abusive Fathers. But to fix the problems and to serve the students we must first have a vision of what good education is (Ravitvch). Conformity being one with society, following their every command and leaving one's true self in the rubbish bin. One reason is called social proof; its common to assume that if most other people are doing something, it must be correct. Also, qualified teachers and faculty members should be put in charge of molding and shaping students into successful individuals who are prepared for life beyond high. Other uniforms may address specific styles of pants, socks and shoes. But, as I explained to the January 6th Select Committee, psychological factors help explain the insurrection. All adults need to take a moment to learn just how damaging it can be for child victims to be sexually exploited by a teacher. Education should not just be about our academics or else we will never get anywhere. ideally be those that are somewhat controversial within the school and may include: body . This is the deepest type since the behavior change is relatively permanent. The evidence and explanations used are appropriate and convincing. Twain was in fact the author. If you lack information about something and need to make a quick decision, copying the behavior of those around you may be the best movethough there are, of course, exceptions to this rule. A well rounded individual consists of a person who has a blend of individuality and conformity. Jean has also been a research adviser and panel member in a number of psychology and special education paper presentations. In this lesson, students examine the pressures that exist to conform to popular . One of the most famous civil rights leader that advocated for 13 years, Martin Luther King Jr., discertation called, The Purpose of Education, that brings awareness to the importance of education and its overall relevance in tepid year of 1947. A good education isnt just learning and comprehending, a good education should also teach us how to work well with others, to use our common sense, to expand our range of friends and how we think. School Dress codes do not allow students to completely express their individuality. With their work being the source of inspiration of many to simply having a likeable, repeatable demeanor, there is no doubt that to be regarded in that special collective of individuals. Diffusion of responsibilityin which no individual feels like its up to them to intervenemay also partially motivate the effect. Informational conformity is the tendency to turn to a group to glean information, make decisions, or form opinions. The amount of tests students take in High School is ridiculous. The majority of schools conform to similar curriculum as a means of leveling the academic playing field and giving all students a fair and equal chance of success. This is the issue we face every day with the school system because although it is great to have a better understanding in these subjects, they should also focus on teaching us how to prepare for the real world. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Written by : gene Brown. Coming home after a long day of school, then having responsibilities to do at home, not to mention some students have after school activities which take up around 2 hours if not more. Internalization occurs when the ideas and behaviors to which the individual is conforming reflect their sense of self and have become congruent with their values. Parents dream of a teen that is great academically, is good at sports and does household chores whenever asked. Obediently, with their heads down, students are taught to become successful executives and agreeable members of society. Because of the fact that this research does not apply to all students, schools should administer flexible scheduling. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Uglies, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. If schools start later, this can affect after school activities such as clubs and sports. Explains that conformity is the occurrence of people yielding to social pressures as a result of pressure. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. No new medical advances, no technological . Do school uniforms make a difference or not? Of the two, normative conformity may be the most dangerous, as it can motivate someone to go along with a group even if they know the group is wrong. Students with a passion in writing and reading should be allowed to take more classes to pursue their interests and help further them after graduation, instead of having them sit through math and science courses from which they will gain to practical or usable knowledge. Waking up early affects teenagers social life, mentality, physical being, and academic career. Matthew Legge on November 3, 2022 in Are We Done Fighting? An adults brain is developed enough to understand and remember multiple topics in a day, but doesnt have to, whereas a student has to remember many topics, in a wide range of subject areas, but is not mentally developed well enough to do so. In Kelmans conceptualization of conformity, the term identification refers to conformity that is motivated by a desire to be accepted by a specific person or group. As said in the article The Secret To Fixing Bad Schools students need to become thinkers not test takers. They should be able to take more classes they are interested in rather than classes they need just for graduation required credits. Requiring uniforms has pros and cons, often centering on the balance between individual expression and conformity. This may be true for some, but not for all. There are a lot of parents and professors concerned that it is hard for children to go to school early in the morning and stay there the whole day. Sadly, this question has never been answered. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, why this book written by Mark Twain should be on the banned books list in schools and why it is too mature for its students. First of all, many students feel as if getting a high score will allow them to achieve admission into their college of choice. While we recognize that a students own motivation, study habits, and will to learn, are cardinal in any schooling system, we must also understand the issues with an institution that is fundamentally unsound from the ground up. Presentation Transcript. Restatement of Thesis: Summary of Main Points (Three Reasons): The school day should begin later so students behavior/habits can improve, students can succeed in school and students can get the proper amount of sleep needed. Schools should adopt a more individualistic approach towards the classes students must take, and less of one concerned solely on test performance, because it would benefit students upon graduation by allowing them to pursue studies that interest them, and also benefit the school, John Taylor Gatto, a former school teacher, of Harpers Magazine, wrote We have been taught (that is, schooled) in this country to think of success as synonymous with, or at least dependent upon, schooling (Gatto). There has been a multitude of famous individuals that have changed the course of human history over the years. Mass public schooling has created a divide amongst the foundation of whether to prioritize individuality or conformity. Individuality And Conformity In Education Though individuality is important to the growth of public school attendees, it must also be balanced by social pressure. Is Poor Body Image Caused by Peer Pressure? Many schools are now organizing school day schedules to maximize instructional time and minimize non-instructional time, such as recess (Pellegrini & Bohn, 2005). The number of student falling classes dropped 2.2% and the absentee rate dropped 1.5%.This reveals that kids were arriving on time and the number of student falling classes decreased at least by 2 percent.The article also states Stating school later is the best interest of the student when there is a will there has got to be a way.Its the right thing to do. Certainly, a level of conformity is required to achieve a balanced society however, the overall structure of the school day and class, including the methods used to teach and mandatory classes. Colleges take students scores on these standardized test into consideration when determining the admittance status of those applying to their school. textbook as, A social institution that transmits attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, values, norms, and skills to its members through formal systematic training. Yet despite the many essential benefits that education offers, only 34% of Americans have a lot of confidence in our public schools.. Accordingly, by asking students to remain in classes for an extra two hours a day, school systems are requesting more devotion from teenagers who cannot focus for lengthy periods of time due to their developing brains. Catherine A. Sanderson Ph.D. on October 13, 2022 in Norms Matter. Working Mom vs Stay-At-Home Mom: Whats Best for Kids? It is matching one's behaviors to the majority's expectations to fit in. Informational conformity occurs when individuals look to the group to seek informationdeciding what products to buy, for instance, or which non-group members can be trusted. As an individual grows older, the social pressure to conform with group norms becomes stronger. It is matching ones behaviors to the majoritys expectations to fit in. 83 FEATURES Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms By Peter Caruso Peter Caruso is a junior high school English teacher in Mesa, Ariz. A recent study shows that students are tired throughout their school day, 60% of children under 18 say that they are tired throughout the day (National Sleep Foundation 1) As Brunswick students are exhausted throughout their day and it is showing that by the grades from students. Toll free 1(888)814-4206 1(888)499-5521. These actions may, at first, differ from their own personal values. While cooperating in a working society can help deflate uprising problems, getting used to changes, and completing work fast and easy, it can also make your personality go from special to bland. width: 22px; There are two fundamental types of schedules: conventional and flexible. For instance, someone who got invited to a church service by his friends eventually became a Christian and changed his lifestyle. In researching this quotation, I was unable to verify that Mr. If keeping our children healthier means more money, its worth. I like the quote. motivated by deference to authority or fear of punishment, the two types of conformity work together to shift behavior and encourage social cohesion, My Personal Experience with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", Why Brainstorming Is Worthless, and Groupthink Is Dangerous, Why Sexual Exploitation by a Teacher Is So Intensely Damaging, People-Pleasing, Trussonomics, and Tussles in Parliament, Beware the Popular Idea That You Know a Hidden Truth, Psychological Factors Help Explain the January 6th Insurrection, Alter Ego: Using Values to Fight Peer Pressure, Secrets to Being Happy: The Danish Example, 7 Ticking Time Bombs That Destroy Loving Relationships, An Addiction Myth That Needs to Be Revisited, 5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being. Uniform policies can stifle the willingness of a student to engage in creative activities or his comfort in doing so. California's Long Beach Unified School District, for example, has reported a major drop in school crime since instituting a uniform policy in 1994. Students should feel there is a purpose in going to school and getting an education. It is only when Janie marries Tea Cake, a man younger than her, that she achieves her quest of finding true love and subsequently her happiness. Juvenile Delinquency: What Makes Teens Commit Crimes? Many people will argue that starting school too late in the morning will cause after school activities -- such as sports and other clubs -- no time to meet before the night ends. When you force students to conform with uniform standards, you can deter gang activity because gangs often identify themselves with clothing styles or colors. At its worst, though, it can bring out a person's darkest impulses and even be used to justifyand carry outlarge-scale atrocities. Most teenage students despise having to get up so early and walk out the door to get to school before 8:00. This arrangement will lead to sleep deprivation. Conformity is the compliance with group norms or laws while individuality refers to the quality that distinguishes a person from others. This book is full of situations that honesty students are not able to handle, leaving inappropriate impressions about racism and how to treat people and is going to cause teenagers and young adults to repeat the language and personalities seen in this, to other groups of this century that are fitting now. Uniforms may simply involve wearing a standard T-shirt or top. A healthy amount of conformity can lead to increased social harmony, on both interpersonal and societal levels. Schools: Conformity vs. Individuality Synthesis Weeds and Roses. Conformity can take the form of overt social pressure or subtler, unconscious influence. Conformity is typically motivated by a person's identification with a specific group. The underlying foundations of the issue incorporate poor teenager rest propensities that don 't take into account enough hours of value rest; rushed calendars with afterschool , activities and jobs, homework hours and family commitments; and a conflict between societal requests, for example, early school begin times , and natural changes that put most teens on a later rest wake clock. This can also affect many other things such as higher taxes, for more buses. It should be a place of expressing ourselves freely in a learning environment without having to worry about what we wear as an interfering issue. Imagine staying up until the wee hours of the morning to finish the homework that had been accumulated during the day, only to have to get up a few hours later to catch the school bus, knowing that succeeding in class the next day would be short of a miracle. The amount of interest in education and acceptance of individuality is soon lost after finishing this system. Conformity is a universal feature across societies. APA 7 When conformity occurs because of fear, concern for ones social standing, or has dangerous consequences. Even though people are concerned about their childrens sleep, schools cant always start as late as we want. Imagine laying down to bed. Christopher J. Ferguson Ph.D. on November 22, 2022 in Checkpoints. When we work in groups, it can be extremely difficult to discern what an individual actually thinks about something. The 2 Most Psychologically Incisive Films of 2022, The Surprising Role of Empathy in Traumatic Bonding. In todays education system, there is an ongoing debate concerning conformity and individuality. on October 6, 2022 in Am I Right? I agree with this source, starting schools later could enhance students school performance academically and athletically. One classic example is the nature vs nurture debate; it tries to verify whether genes or the environment is more powerful in dictating the consistencies of our behavior. When we consider whether or not to implement a school uniform pot- icy, we need to understand the validity of each proponent's arguments. 3). For many students, this scenario is not only feared but a reality they must face. Homework for students is a barrier that makes it difficult for them to have any kind of social life, or spend time with their family. 76 0 obj <> endobj How Psychologically Conditioned Rats Are Defusing Landmines, The Innate Intelligence Observed in the Dying Process. Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms Peter Caruso View all authors and affiliations Volume 80, Issue 581 Get access Abstract When we consider whether or not to implement a school uniform pot- icy, we need to understand the validity of each proponent's arguments. Conformity in the education system has shown to damage the personalization and, Have you ever just wished your school day as shorter? Deweys vision for education could not be any farther from the truth of how todays school systems operate. Then why is it that there is so much emphasis put on conformity in the monotonous school system? Instead of promoting individuality in students and offering educational opportunities, vain ideals are promoted and have little effect outside of high school. Individuality Vs Conformity 524 Words3 Pages There are ways to better a school 's atmosphere and to correct or even eradicate certain behaviors that are plaguing the lives of children and teens alike; the path that some high schools and middle schools are taking is the implementation of uniforms. It should also be about how to prepare yourself for real-world problems. A later start time does not guarantee more sleep for students as students may just go to bed even later usual. Schools should focus more on students individuality to find self-fulfillment, but not to the point where order is lost. The actual author of this quote, however, is not important. Conformity motivated by deference to authority or fear of punishment is likely to be harmful. Each student has their own unique personal interests and passions. Because of the lack of sleep students face, it poses serious problems for them the next day inside and outside of the classroom. It emphasizes that a certain individual has his own beliefs, needs, desires, responsibilities, rights, etc. endstream endobj startxref Parents need to be careful while administering drugs to their kids. 1). In todays world, students are shoved with the hands of docility, and amenability as they render themselves in a system that has inadvertently failed them, by neglecting to celebrate their differences, and varying learning patterns. This quote is supporting that if the school, Individuality And Conformity In Education, Individuality and Conformity in Education, Individuality should be encouraged to the point where students feel fulfilled, are creative, and can stand out amongst others in future occupations and colleges. Conformity should be enforced only to the point where it isnt affecting students mental and physical health due to loss of sleep, increases sociability, and teaches responsibility and independence. How free speech and a boisterous Parliament contrasted with treachery against a friend and tax-cutting economic policies. That usually means copying the actions of others, looking to the group when deciding how to think or behave, or doing what is "expected" based on widely accepted (if often unspoken) social norms. Successful conformity in today's workplace does not include limiting individuality and forcing . Throughout this paper, the focal point will be assessing how these views are applied, both inside and outside the classroom. Public school or Private school: which ones better for your teen, Alternative School Options for Troubled Teens. To be on the safer side, get a second opinion, preferably from a private child psychologist or therapist before giving medicines to your teens. There are around 365 days in a year, and in a school year, there are around 180 days. This means more than teaching math, science, history, and English. In this essay, Weil discussed the approaches adopted by teachers to keep children disciplined, focused and motivated in the classrooms. The three types of conformity according to Kelman are compliance (temporary behavioral change to receive a favorable reaction), identification (to be a member of a certain group but may stop when the individual leaves), and internalization (intrinsically motivated and relatively permanent behavioral change). Conformity, on the other hand, can occur among people of equal or unequal social standing, through spoken or unspoken influence from others in the group. Conformity versus individuality of students has been a huge debate among educationists, parents and child psychologists. A simple ideathat your side is awake to the secret way things are while everyone else sleepwalksmade its way across intense ideological divides. While it is necessary to have some conformity in the curriculum taught to students nationwide, there should be an aspect of individuality as well. We are inclined to write as per the instructions given to you along with our understanding and background research related to the given topic. Some are numerical and scientific geniuses, while others have an enviable passionate way with words. Also, we will be able to be well rested, and ready for a new school day. For these important and practical reasons, schools should not change school start times. School uniforms have long been common in parochial schools, but a number of public schools also have uniform standards. A school, primarily high school, must provide courses that focus on a student 's future career plans, courses that challenge a student academically, and courses that help a student navigate their life as adults. The Positive and Negative Side of Peer Pressure You Need to Know, Peer Pressure and Teens: Social Media is the Culprit. The SAT, taken in the eleventh and twelfth grades, are the culmination of all the standardized tests students have taken in their kindergarten through twelfth grade academic careers. Conformity is the compliance with group norms or laws. Individuality Vs. Conformity and School Uniforms NEIL KOKEMULLER 25 JUN 2018 CLASS Often, designer clothing influences the likelihood that children will be popular in school. Social conformity is a key motive for school uniforms. However, I would really love to hear from you about your opinions on individuality and conformity. Now, nearly two decades later, 19 percent of public schools across the country require uniforms, while 57 percent enforce a strict dress code. In other words, they're not just behaving in accordance with the group's beliefs; they actually believe them, too. The first part of the day would include teachers introducing new topics, or testing on what was previously taught. In school, they teach us the same four subjects each year: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Hence, these concepts are often associated with psychology, sociology, and philosophy. A shift in the conformity versus individuality attitude concerning mandatory classes and curriculum would cause several benefits to both students and schools. The Board of Education needs to take these studies and facts seriously so they can help provide an intelligent and responsible new. Normative conformity refers to the shifting of behaviors and beliefs resulting from this information gathering. For example, a guest, who got invited to a birthday party, does not really like eating vegetables. Many students across the nation are attending schools that have seven classes during each school day as their schedule, one of them being Conroe High School. Cite However, we do conform to a certain degree with rigid school timetables (as visually perceived in Source B) and compulsory classes. However, individuality without some amount of conformity is useless. If school bagan at least an hour later students would get more sleep, their academic scores would improve, and students would have time to eat a healthy breakfast. Individuality leads to innovation and strengthens a society unlike conformity, which sets limits on progress. Conformity denotes a wide-ranging phenomenon in which people (intentionally or unintentionally) shift their behavior or beliefs to fit in with a larger group. Conformity teaches you about fitting in a working society, and individuality teaches you about being yourself and not blending in too much with the crowd. While the educational system does prepare students for the academic stress of college, it does not qualify students to become young, successful adults and survive in the real world. Sometimes well-intentioned people don't act ethically. Schools are so much a part of our society, so the accurate length of school days is extremely important. However, they are not teaching us things that we would have to learn from experience later in our lives. In practice. A society needs people who are willing to draw their own conclusions in order to improve their life as well as those who live in the community.