E-mail:DANotices@sce.com, 1 PG&E at 2-3; SCE at 32; SDG&E (Choi) at TC-3; Barkovich at 16-18; Ouyang at 12. How much renewable or carbon-free energy does DCE provide? Direct Access (DA) service is retail electric service where customers purchase electricity from a competitive provider called an Electric Service Provider (ESP), rather than from a regulated electric utility. DCE is a public-private partnership that takes advantage of the opportunities offered by both the private and public sectors. Resolution E-4475 DRAFT May 10, 2012 PG&E AL 3987-E; SCE AL 2688-E; and SDG&E AL 2325-E/KDA - 3-The departing load charges fall into three main . For home improvements made in 2022, the federal tax credits for energy efficiency were extended as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. SCE will continue to handle emergency repair situations and outages. Initial box two from page 3/3 from the CISR form. Formation of a CCA through a JPA does not require contributions from participating member agencies. //-->8C4^F $^+ Desert Community Energy will mail a notices to all new customers. In time, DCE expects to add additional renewable generation sourced locally to meet the needs of our customers. Home apostrophe skincare vs curology sce transitional bundled service. SCE recommends that you contact your CCA to identify any conditions that may apply in the event your service account is transferred to CCA Service. SCE holds a weeklong submission period in June of each year (DA Lottery) for customers who are interested in enrolling in Direct Access (DA) subject to the availability of load space under the Overall Load Cap of 13,456.87 gigawatt-hours (GWh) established by the California Public Utilities Commission. In Palm Springs, you will be automatically enrolled in DCE's Carbon Free plan for energy drawn from the grid. SCE and active CCAs jointly provide comparisons of average rates, sample bills, and power generation resources. Option 2 Are tax dollars being used to support this CCA program? Option #1: Opt-out immediately and go back to SCE where you will be placed into SCE's Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) which may be higher than what you currently pay with DCE. Does the transition of the electric generation portion of my account to DCE require an interruption in electricity service? DCE purchases your electricity while SCE continues to deliver that power, maintain the poles and wires, maintain the grid and handle billing and repairs. Accounts will be transferred on the day the electric meter is read and cannot be transferred during the middle of a billing cycle. If you would like to return to SCE bundled service after 60 days from being transferred to CCA Service, you will need to contact your designated CCA to request a return to SCE Bundled Service. At the end of the six-month TBS period, the account will begin bundled service for an 18-month Bundled Portfolio Service (BPS) commitment term. The market is filled with With DCE, you can opt down to Desert Saver, or opt up to 100% Carbon Free as many times as you would like. There are no limitations, nor will any fees be charged. If you would like to review current TBS rate schedules, you can visit SCEs website here: https://www.sce.com/sites/default/files/inline-files/ce221-12.pdf. You will also be responsible for any costs, fees, or penalties that may be imposed under your existing DA Service as a result of your service accounts automatic enrollment in CCA Service. You will continue to pay your bill to SCE as usual. Option #1: Immediate return to SCE on a "Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) Rate" for six months - this is a market price energy rate that could be higher or lower that their previous SCE rate depending on energy prices. 1 2011. As of February 2023, SCE is anticipating that load space will be available under the Overall Load Cap and will be able to Accept a portion of Six-Month Notices to Transfer to Direct Access Service (NOI) submitted by customers. a. Your opt action will take place as of your next meter read date. Customers who switch to our Desert Saver pay less on their electricity generation when compared to Southern California Edison (SCE). By law, SCE must provide the same rates and level of service for all customers in their service area, whether or not they receive electricity generation from DCE. [CDATA[// >