You curl yourself on her, crying in her suit. "Please, take a deep breath. I know. Lena sobs out and clutches something close to her chest. Emmas worried eyes focus on Alexs. This wasnt the time but you really wanted to kiss her right now. It wasnt that she was attracted to her by any means she did have Lena but the close, physical presence of a woman like Lucy, in an extremely intimate proximity like that, did cause her nerves to shake. How could one be so damn impudent and bold to enter the apartment with such a sentence. She was calling Kara / supergirl. Both were pointing guns towards you and Lena and you could tell they wouldnt hesitate to use them. Little does she know that they have an announcement to make. Oh, so we dont even have an actual reason? See a recent post on Tumblr from @redhoodssweetheart about baby danvers fanfiction. Although she still felt apprehensive about what the future could hold and whether things could repeat themselves again. Your sisters have been texting you for days about game night, then sisters night, then a CatCo event, but all of their texts are left on seen. Alex slipped a comm into your ear before the three of you parted ways, but its not only after midnight that you hear Karas voice. Soon, all of your friends come to give you some comfort, and sure, this will not bring your cat back, no matter how much you wish for it, but it helps a lot to know youre not alone. She shook her head frantically and pulled you even closer as she watched the tears run down your face. Are there any other questions relating to what has been said? Alistair asks, opening the space to the group. Its okay. Emma thinks and Alex sniffs. The smile had never left Y/Ns face the entire time she was with them and as they reached the top of the Ferris Wheel she looked up at the night sky. You immediatly felt Lenas hands on your face. Y/N danvers feels like a burden to her sisters so she packs her stuff out of the apartment she is living with Alex and goes away. Alistair waits for them to settle before talking again. Her tone says too much. But this is a huge project, and the deadline is so close. Kara cant live like this until its acceptable for them to divorce and move on with their lives separately. Emma takes a deep intake of breath and straightens up, allowing Alex to look at her. I swear, next time I hug you I might break your bones if you keep forgetting to eat because of work.. Thanks, hope your having a good day! Sweetheart?. Seeing the sadness with Elizas eyes, Robin decides to change the topic. It was surprisingly amazing. That I need to repair the bridges I broke-, No! Alex interrupts causing Emmas eyes to snap to hers. Whats wrong? Soon different camera angles flash up on the screen showing Emma stomping and kicking up the white sand around her as she continues to lip sync and perform. Alex could sense some underlying anger though, something at the core of this woman that went deeper than her having to work with National Citys DEO. I completely understand, I would feel the same way if I was in your position. Lena starts the machine and leans against the kitchen counter. She doesnt finish. Lets get you cleaned up.. Kara notices Lenas brains cogs working on an argument to debunk hers, and she smirks proudly when her friend rolls her eyes, a signal that Lena hasnt found anything to say against it. The time was flying, too fast and no supergirl Lena was earning some minutes, secondes as much as possible, she didnt want to put you in danger but you were already. The games came after and Kara managed to win her a giant stuffed bear that she refused to let go of despite it being almost as big as she was. Why would you even ask that? She chuckled. ", Karas jaw dropped. They were ready. Well?. She knew most of the staff understood better than to interrupt a conversation between the Director of the DEO and Senior Agent Alex Danvers. Lets call Alex too. Kara cleans your tears, the ones you couldnt hold back. Emma nods and signs her thanks to her friend. And reader is totally denying it the whole time, but kara sees right through her? Ive been meaning to find a reason to get rid of it, anyway. So Y/N is mentioned a handful of times. It has become an obsession. Other pets/doms to come. Baby danvers Love writting fan fiction of superheros especially about supergirl and marvel request OPEN Zohra :) |16| Posts Ask me anything Archive i-writes-things asked: hiii! I love you. She whispers, causing both of her sisters to tear up and Alex to lower her head. He was here when I left for work and- God, he must have got out and I didnt notice this morning. Why are you all so chummy with Luthor when she broke Emmas heart? Robyn glares around the room. 'How did she know.' From where Im standing it makes it look like youve chosen Lena over Emma!. She notices how troubled her sister looks. How broken I was and thank you so much for being there for me. According to our files, theres a lot of protocols being broken here. No one has been stupid enough to say it to my face until now, that is, she answered, daring to step into Alexs space again until Alex practically felt the womans body heat on her. What thing? You can't look me in the eyes. That's not true. You denied. Youre like half of who you used to be.. A Sanvers Baby Chapter 1: Month 1 - The Announcement, a supergirl fanfic | FanFiction It's Alex and Maggie's first wedding anniversary and Kara joins them to celebrate. Dont worry, I know how to save a document. She moves the laptop out of the way, along with all of your papers, making space for the food that Alex is bringing to set on the table. Ive missed you, darling.. Mom? "Come on, Kara. But right now, when your pet is missing, you cant think of anything thats more important than finding him. Sure, lets blame it on work, this sure is easier. Put your hands up and it will do you no harm.. Because based on the smug grin now plastered on this womans face, she knew she lost the fight. Stop doubting my cooking skills and eat. What Alex meant to say was, No no. Y/N trembled at the sight, as she was never too good seeing her own injuries. "Alex, what is it? # 9. Finally ! He approached the computer with hunger in his eyes. ", "Alex and Kara are so busy with the DEO, Supergirl and CatCo," you swallowed hard and bit your lip anxiously. Several times she called your name but when there was no answer to her question just an echo, she walked the last few steps to your room and threw the door wide open. Lee. Sam utters quietly and slides off the sofa to comfort the raven haired woman. She taps her foot impatiently until she's down in the lobby where she's stomp outside to hail a cab. And you should know that I can follow instructions in a book. You scoff, No, you can't. Alex: Dont be funny. Shivering from the cold and huddled up to escape the wind, you crouched down by the water near a tree, trying no to stand out or make a sound. You let her down! I-I think your heat vision mightve hit me, too, was what she got out, wincing again as the pain fully set in. ", Leaning out of breath against the kitchen counter and nervously tapping the marble area with her index, middle and ring finger at irregular intervals, she listened to the annoying beeping stopping before it turned into her sisters bright voice. Lena smiles at you, before accompanying her assistant out of her office, leaving you alone. The video starts playing and the sound of synths begin. This will be ready in 30 minutes. "Look, all her things.. You smile through the tears, feeling both of your sisters' arms around you. I have one. Kara says quietly and Alistair motions for her to continue. Within a blink, Kara was standing in front of her, biting her bottom lip in both concentration and anticipation as she lifted Y/Ns shirt. Well, if one of your definitions ofbusy wassubtly-using-heat-vision-powers-to-destroy-the-guts, which was what Kara was doing. Coffee?, I took the liberty to call in sick for you at work today. Kara comes closer with a coffee mug for you, and you agree with your head, feeling the coffee help warm you up. You would not have blamed him, but would have fallen into his arms and started crying with joy. One of the workers came to let them know the area was clear and they could begin their game. Youre under arrest Charles Hoopers. So is it good. Kara asked. And just by looking at you Im sure you are malnourished. Alex gives you her best mother voice, and you think of all the times shes done that before. Alex was taken aback by the casual, yet nosy questioning. "So often, she had doubted herself as a daughter, was sure she would have been the one who made you disappear because she gave you a hard time as a teenager. You all experienced trauma that day, not just Emma. Teams were chosen and Kara, Jonn, Alex, and Y/N were all on one team while James, Lena, Nia, and Winn were on the other. Times over. finally said the manMiss Luthor ?. Since your sister is Supergirl I do my reasearch. You couldnt go on and tolerate everything he had done, eventually the capacity of lying and cheating was reached. You were dragged along corridors. Ms. Im not going to say it twice., I know youre not. When she needed you guys after everything that had happened? I know I dont deserve the love and support they give me.. Did you not hear anything I just said? Shit. To start with they decided on playing Jenga while they waited for the pizza to arrive. We wont force you. Alistair responds and Emma shifts in her seat, feeling uneasy. Could you right a Kara Danvers x daughter reader, where Y/n has a boy friend and kara finds out and confront reader. Its the way she says your name that gives away the fact that she knows exactly what is going on. One you havent found a way to break. Instead, he turned to leave when Lena held him back one last time. She wipes a tear away, hating the thought of how low Lena got. Supercorp Fanfic Rec. The woman then gave Alex an uncaring smile and turned towards Jonn. I would never choose anyone over you and Im sorry it felt that way., Kara nods in agreement. And you have to admit, theres bullshit written all over you. I can handle a few punch.. He ignored her. Oh, Y/N. Alex is the first one to find you. They are having dinner, the TV is on a channel airing a 2000s movie but they dont make conversation. They near the end of the book and Eliza excuses herself to go get changed. Here, Alex said, her chest puffed up and her words harsh. Tumblr posted its first advertisements in May 2012 and subsequently earned $13M in revenue. You would probably already have him back in your arms right now and she would be going out to buy celebratory food, or whatever. My advice is to put your shit aside, chill the fuck out and do your job.. After all she promised you. First and foremost, she gets called in on her day off. Kara's super super (pun intended) strong x-ray vision reveals something very exciting. "A damage that was almost impossible to repair years ago, but we still managed to get her through it? As Alex looked upon this woman, feet firmly planted this time, with a finger digging into her chest, somehow the tension forced a laugh out of the agent. Ill leave you alone til the time has come. But near the end it shifts again and focuses back on Emma by an edge of a cliff. Why did he kidnap you ? you askedCant he find somone else to do this job ?, No. The silence is broken as Lena sniffs heavily and lowers her head into her hands. Ill go change and be right back.. Watching her friend eat her dumplings in silence, sitting on the couch and ignoring her on purpose is heart-wrenching. if your willing you should do this with B!D? But now Just have a bite with me. Lena pleads moving to the couch. Love you too. Kara responds back and sucks in her bottom lip. Of course! Nia responds, shocked that Robyn would even need to ask that. Would you like to respond?. I hope youll enjoy reading it ! Chapter 5 of where your heartache exists up now. Id like that. Lena gives her a small smile and the pair focus on the fire in front of them. Do you have any good Supercorp+kids? She had already figured out the reason for your disappearance when she got Karas desperate call for help and now she had confirmation of her suspicion. Supergirl lands in front of you, with a shoebox in hand. Why else would she invite you to a family dinner when you traded your wife and kids for work? Because lunch involves eating, and you, well, youre not particularly fond of eating. Robyn woke up with a jump from feeling heavy licks and pressure on her torso. The voice that cut through was one Alex hadnt heard before. You hoped Kara would be there soon because you were scared, scared of loosing Lena, scared of dying too but it will be okay, she promised to you, right ? Now its new you heard a voice said. See a recent post on Tumblr from @ynsimagines about Baby!Danvers. I dont think it was just aimed at you. Alex says softly while she continues to stare at the TV. She freezes when her apprehensive eyes connect with Emmas. I know how hard it is eating right when work is so demanding of you. One that makes you feel shameful and worse every time you do it, which only leads you to doing it more. Maybe she's down at the coffee shop doing her-" but Kara did not get the chance to finish her sentence. I guess. The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. For the record, I do have a girlfriend, Alex added with pride. You woke up with pain accross your entire body and you winced. When I finally got her up and out of the flat her clothes were loose on her. Robyn seethes, glaring at the group. Shes supergirls sister ! The living room she was looking at was swept empty; small personal things of you that always flew around here, pictures with you together that were on the dressers were gone. We can always go for a bit and come home.. Says it all, actually. She nearly felt sorry for whoever was on the receiving end. "Your sisters are so lucky to have you and would not trade you for anything in the world, would not want to change a single trait in you. The redhead takes it and swipes through the photos. NO ! How can he just be gone just like that? I should get going. You sit on the sidewalk, to be fair its more like your legs are weak and you cant hold yourself up at that moment. Nightmare. Robyn responds and Jonn nods. When they arrived home they had just enough time to get settled before the pizza was there Alex paid while Kara went to get the Uno cards and some of the board games they had stored away. Back to you in the studio., Alex quickly takes the remote and logs into YouTube to find the video. Frankie, youngest of the three Danvers sisters, had known that from her first day in the world. Its the only thing in my life I can control, so I need it., Hey. Kara kisses your temple. We estimate roughly six bottles or more. Agent Reiff answers quietly, aware how delicate this information may be. She and Lena werent exactly on speaking terms and being out and about could damage Lenas image with the press, and Kara didnt want that. Music is generally the same notes over and over, but its what you have to say that counts. Theres no one around, but you make sure to check it three times before going inside. Major, was it? Alex mimicked. How can we move forward and help you see we were wrong? Sam asks while holding Alexs hand. And do you know what she communicated to me when I asked how she was? "So, what are you attempting to make? I am making spaghetti. She said stirring the content of the pot. Ill see you soon, ok?. Oh and Mom wants to know your thoughts about New Years tomorrow. Alex asks and Emma gazes at her questionaly. Were way past that. Lena stood in front of you. What are you doing bitch ! Yelled the taller man. Except pancakes, your pancakes are delicious. You said. Jonn just squinted as he examined Alexs behavior and shook his head. I do not believe that is wise due to your heightened level of-. Lena Luthor seemed close to a dropout, despite her calm demeanor. Jonn went with her. She quickly explains and Alex nods in appreciation for the information. At first, you would havee forgiven him as if nothing had happened. But we all need to be honest with each other too. Alex hesitates and focuses back on her baby sister. Ill always love you, my little ball of fur. The sapphire sky is a stark contrast against the white of the sand. I think we got off on the wrong foot, the woman started, loosening up slightly. This is either a fake fridge or youve found out a way to live without food., Great, go around my apartment, why not? You mumble to yourself and groan when Kara closes your laptop. "But please do not ever run from us ever again.". Emma grins and sits on a blanket, she softly strums the guitar while listening to the conversations around her. Fall had come to the city and it was time for the Danvers sisters annual tradition of paintballing. Lets count five for three two. At that moment I was angry, hurt, upset and I needed to express it. You go ahead, Director. She didnt know what was happening, who was winning this ego battle, and why things turned out the way it did, but somehow, she started to feel better and not as angry as she first had walking in. Seconds passed and you remembered : You were with Lena at her office, she almost kissed you and then . Put your hands up and dont move ! screamed one of the men. Karas worried gaze shifted from Alex to the dresser she was standing a few inches away from. Words would not make your feelings better, you learned that the hard way. Its ok. She guarantees. 51.4K 778 21 "Hey." Barry says to Kara "Barry! Chuckles ran through the group and Kara rejoined them a moment later. She watched as Lucy paced, her voice full of authority and frustration. Alex stood silent, but grit her teeth and turned towards Jonn, giving him a nod. Suddenly, there was silence in the room. I forgot to mention Kara begins, getting nothing from Lena, not even a glance over but she continues anyway, James told me he thinks we should go out on a date night, you and me. She waits expectantly and the only reaction she gets from Lena is a scoff. Here? Alex questioned, her words still full of frustration. You look up, paying attention to the end of Karas speech. Or did she not want to be close because a beautiful woman was in her face. But, I also dont believe its as easy as that. You okay? Nia asks and Emma nods, motioning she is going to the water. When you three feel ready, it might give you some healing to go back and make peace with what happened. His eyes focus on Alex in particular who shifts in her seat. If youll let me?. "This note is the only thing thats left." I have acess to this cripted files. So when Kara kisses the top of your head, and Alex sits on your coffee table with a worried face and a hand on your knee for encouragement, tears stream down your face uncontrollably. So, how was your day. She asked. Take a deep breath for me, Em.. Finally ! you heard him whispering. you hissed between clenched teeth and didnt dare to turn around. Emma nods and puts them on, she snorts at how quickly Lilys tail wags while she waits patiently by the door. Kara, oh, thank God. You run to her, throwing yourself into her arms. Happy, no, but I understand.. ", "Sometimes I think it would be better for both of them if I was not here." Im sorry.. You saw Kara and then behind her, Alex with all the DEO agents. She doesnt need it there but still, its an awful feeling. she took the word as it got pretty quiet between both of you; the only sound there could be heard were cars in the background. Jonn, Lena, Nia, Winn, and James were asking the youngest Danvers if she was ready for this. Understood? In her voice, you could recognize the seriousness of her words and your tears almost pushed to the surface. You tried to breathe regulary and bit your lip in the process; the pressure leaving a slight metallic taste in your mouth. Taglist:@finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz, @camslightstories, @inquisitive-nix, @thinking1bee, @aznblossom, @checkingoutforheroes, @mmmmokdok, @certainkryptoniangeek, @starmako26. Alex was like a daughter to him, and he was usually pretty good at reading his girls, but sometimes, when that near teenage, rebellious, Leave me the fuck alone attitude came to surface, hes learned to give them space and cool down. "Babygirl.. Im sorry." Of course, thats what Alex said, but, internally, she had to admit she was flustered. Lenas, she said without missing a beat. She is restless and frustrated. You abandon your phone on the dinner table, rubbing your eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep that is creeping in. Baby!Danvers is struggling but her sister are here to help Your depression always got worse around the holidays, Seasonal depression or SAD Kelly had called it. This was once your favorite, she is right. Jesus, people talk about lunch and dinner all the time, and yet this simple word makes your body shiver in anticipation. I promise well hang out more once Im done with this.. Told you. She said, taking a bite herself. Whats going on? Lucy asks as she looks between the two. You stared at him one more time with disbelief; your eyes boring deep into him so that he had to swallow hard and had to improve his stance. The woman was decently shorter compared to her. No one talked, you felt the tension in the group. Why are you so upset? You do think that all the laughter that had accumulated over the years was still in the walls, you could still hear them so clearly with every single memory. Alex had subconsciously stepped back and immediately kicked herself for it. Robyn? Alistair asks. Medical help, our help, friends support. She gave you a look did she have a plan or something ? No ! Its probably because you all are used to weapons. She knew all about her sisters work and knew that Kara was different and had powers. It had felt so real and she cant help but feel a sense of dread. Its all you can think about. Oh, Y/N.. I can enter the system without a problem, download the files though, its something else, but thats not my problem. After a fight with Mon-El during gamenight, you have a conversation with Kara and come to an agreement, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & Maggie Sawyer, Winn Schott Jr./Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Orginal Male Character(s), yall are gonna have to stick around for this one, the burn is far slower than i anticipated it would be, im such a different person now i am so sorry. Her gaze falls on the collage of photos on the wall, the beaming smiles of her family and friends. "You shouldnt be here." Ever since she was little she had heard her big sisters talk about their annual paintball tournament and couldnt wait until she was old enough to be able to participate. Kara told her that it started as soon as she thought about Mon-el and having kids of her own. "Alex could forgive me, then why not you? Alex stewed. Emma slumps forward slightly and rubs a shaved part of her hair to try and self soothe. Alex had talked to Kara once she had calmed down. You liked her skin against yours. Suddenly her eyes shoot open as she jerks awake. It came from her heart. Robyn says softly, focusing everyones attention on her. She sips her drink and wonders whether she can air her thoughts about a certain raven haired woman. The redhead quickly opens the door and searches for her sisters ex. When the faint hum of her powers wiggled into Y/Ns ear, who was standing next to Kara with Alex across the table of them, she peered over Karas pumpkin, shocked and betrayed to find it nearly squeaky clean. And i thought you were an icequeen., Youre gonna tell me you know, i can make you suffer like supergirl made me suffer, but it will be easier for us if you cooperate.. Her mind races with shame with what the others must think and how she is going to explain herself. I really wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but then I saw how broken she was and in a worse state than me. Thank you for standing up for me, I respect your opinion but it was also slightly unfair with what you said. If you want to be tagged to follow the story tell me :), hiii! Lena was doing pretty good, but Jonn was also amazing. Immediately, the auburn-haired woman came running. If I wasnt clear before, Ill spell it out now. But, she did take note that not once did Lucy raise her voice. Do you have those photos of Em as a baby?, Of course! Eliza chuckles and finds Emmas photo book. Alex strategically stared her down. Lets ask Marvin : Marvin how long it takes to make an omelet ? Not long ago, your mother and Kara had been messing around with dishes in the kitchen, Alexs attempts to say something between your arguments had died down and the nervous clinking of the rings against the glass of wine, that Lena wore, was gone. You fall on the floor with a scream. The music video, which shows Emma Danvers lip syncing, is believed to have been filmed in Egypt and was released at midnight UK time. You feel like a child. Question., How did the whole sobriety thing start? Thats what makes it more fun. Lena says cheekily and grins at her. Human Kara Danvers Alternate Universe - No Powers Fluff Domestic Fluff A plot occurred unexpected plot Assassination Attempt (s) not on Lena for once smut in later chapters When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily. I moved out to the channel islands and tried to settle into this new job. Now I got covid! Jonn really has the worst decor taste. She finished her words as she reemerged into the living room. All I can do now is try to support you the best way I can. "This kid had an untold number of sleepless nights where she would show up at my apartment, crying and sometimes drunk because she didnt know how else to suppress the feelings you left behind.". Shall we?. Hey Shelbun, its kind of crazy realizing that Ill not see you laying around the furniture anymore and that I dont have to keep random boxes for you to play inside anymore. Hey. Two voices greet her, making Emma jump out of her skin and slip on the sand. Baby. Kara says, arms open wide, pulling you inside her arms for a long hug. Emma scrunches up her eyes and feels Lily nuzzling her nose into her cheek, sensing her distress. Language: English Words: 3,182 Chapters: 1/1 1 Kudos: She hears footsteps upstairs and knows the others will be down soon to begin the next session with Alistair. As Alex turned towards the direction of the voice, she found herself glaring at a woman in heels who was quickly approaching them. I see weve come to an agreement ! So, you said you still feel the same way? Little ball of fur. In a second Lena was on you, hands on your shoudler to stop the bleeding, tears on her cheeks. And dont worry, fur ball, well take good care of Y/N for you.. The room is quiet for a moment and Robyn lifts her hand. So why dont we just sit here for 30 minutes, eat, and catch up on each others lives? She asks, not breaking eye contact. Imilli has gone through a lot in her life, she was found abused and broken by the DEO and was taken in by none other than her savior Alex. Please stay awake, stay with me ! That's why Alex felt okay sending you on it without her or Kara their. However, she enjoys how passionate they are when trying to support their theory. If I could go back and change it, I would. She pauses at the sight of the opened suitcase on the floor full of empty bottles and Kara firmly holding onto Alex. Her walls are high and thick, impossible to break or to breach. It was a shock to her body, the rapid change in temperature, and the fact that it wouldnt do away. Alex leans forward as she studies her sisters face. Jonn quirked a brow and crossed his arms, staring at Alex and her early morning tantrum. ", "Calm down, Luthor. In a desperate attempt to block out the pain, she tried to zone out, but Karas yell ofALEX! sliced through her concentration like a knife in thin air. Theres nothing anyone can say to ease your heart right now. At that exact moment Emma swings the baseball bat, bearing the words FUCK YOU! at the camera where it switches to show her hitting a car and denting it like the metal was nothing. Could you right a Kara Danvers x daughter reader, where Y/n has a boy friend and kara finds out and confront reader. After the guards freed you, they left, locked the door behind them. Emma shivers at the memory, her sisters covered in blood, eyes fully dilated, staring at nothing. Emma sniffs and her sisters pull her into another hug before they start heading back to the group. I am here to win!. Lena fidgets in her seat and plays with her hands. Alex storms from the apartment and punches the call button on the elevator. Dont blame me., Were not blaming you. Alex reassures you, immediately touching your arm for comfort. She gently brushed her hand a few tangled stands from the sides of your face and she leaned over your bend form to rest her head on your back, giving you to the maximum of support and affection she could offer you. Or so early., Jeremiah, Emma and Alexs father, was the same. Eliza chuckles and places the mug in front of Robyn and sits next to her on the other stool. She looked at you, her emerald green eyes shining in the moonlight and a small smile occupying her lips. Its a simple word. She names him Marcus, and he immediately matures into a fully . Alex hummed along to the radio and Kara and Y/N just listened. What are you doing. you knew your mom wasn't a good cook at all. But? Fay prompts Robyn, who does look like she wants to ask another question.