, Hi Jessica, Why? Its where he and Meghan went on their first date. Republicans in Britain gain. You also feel the pair will lose their titles. Gardening and nature are also Virgo and suit his chart. Thank you. And Harry isnt healing, instead he creates more trauma and hurt for everyone involved. Pluto in Capricorn (and entering Aquarius) in the final week of March 2023 will end the system as we knew it. He would of been around 45 years of age when Harry was conceived. What I wonder is: is this mainly about Charles and Camilla, and just how badly they treated Diana? Ive always wondered if this is where the affair rumour was given oxygen by dropping tittle tattle in the right ears. This was one of the most unusual things to have ever happened in my presence. This is not far. I think its fair to say that the Duchess of Sussex is a former actress, but in her current role, is still acting. The 4th Sunday of Lent, also Mothers day is when the parable is told in Church. I am fascinated by this story in The Hill. Images of gargoyles, devils, and biblical scenes involving figures such as Moses and Joh the Baptist flash past and there are sounds of chanting. An oil painting of Harrys todger? Thank you so much, Jessica. Its pretty fascinating that a lot of your predictions have come true and its hard to understand why more people dont believe in astrology based on that alone. Please check this link from todays Daily Mail: Meghans horoscope shows a fantastic new role involving children in 2019. I hope that this is of some help to you. You cant get past astrology, though! Given that Peter was a key figure in the second dream and that we were by the sea, I wondered if there was an echo of the time of Christ here. If the Monarchy survives this. The cover-up which normally comes with an eclipse may have actually made her a target; the photographs may have been distorted. The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). It is very interesting to stand back from all the words and look at the actions. Astrology is of more help, as we can pinpoint dates for a cover-up. Every chart is hit then. The monarchy is all about complicated relationships, isnt it? When you look at the damage done by Andrew and Harry, particularly with the latters outrageous assertion about the Taliban, you realise this has serious implications. We now have over 200 comments in this conversation. It is with us until 2044 so there is time. Cheers. So its historic. For his wife Meghan, who has a degree in International Relations, you would think she would know better and give Harry advice about how destructive it is putting one country against the other country. Looking forward to March to see what transpires. He has a mental health issue, which makes him vulnerable. Yes. No borrowed shoes for me. It is an outstanding bible which should be on every astrologers bookshelf. The letters contained a clear message from Diana that she needed protection and were dated. I asked a really broad, simple question for each person. I seem to recall that you said that the marriage would end in 2025, apologies if I am wrong. Nothing could please China more than seeing the Commonwealth economic agreements break up. Thats interesting. In future it may be that George (say) can choose to opt out and do other things with his life, yet Charlotte (for example) would be delighted to lead. I just looked at Lambeth Palace on the internetand went on the site A Monument of Fame about the archives (and physically archiving) of the Lamberth Palace Library. Harry Styles is an ENFJ personality type. Shortly before the wedding, the Queen then offered Meghan a choice from her own tiara collection. I feel there is something far more sinister at play. This discussion has also answered my feelings of anger at the whole Harry-Megan situation and the nagging feeling that Harry has been duped. Guessing the date of the deposition will reveal the astrology but thats a dramatic twist in the story! Is this a realistic hope given the astrology? The fact that it got through is really important. This includes the children; the future monarchs of tomorrow. Interesting info on MM Clevr brand investment on the royal rogue website. Why it should contain LIES needs to be studied and pondered more deeply. I question the timing of Prince Harry attending a major public event at a large hotel on the weekend Saturn makes the ingress. Ive not seen the body language experts on YouTube so will take a look. Not with these transits. We will see what happens after March this year.. What a soap opera! When you say you are mesmerised and dont know why, thats really interesting. Often acquired after grit in the shell. We still have three tv interviews before us. Manually set DST if you believe it is not applied correctly. I feel the same way about Harrys current book. Why? Diana was laughing and Charles was urging her to be more responsible and look serious for the cameras. While being interviewed by Andrew Morton for a forthcoming program for Granada TV on the royals, Nick was asked in he considered Britain would become a republic. The Global Membership Director, Markus Anderson, was a guest at Meghans baby shower. It is such a small world isnt it? It was not even about what happened to Thomas Markle who must feel dreadful every time he thinks of it it was something I could not even name. It was well known in social circles that Camilla saw her as a threat, Charles having described Kanga as the only woman who ever truly understood me. Or did they have another, pagan, bond with the Universe? When Charles and Camilla got married her status as a divorced woman etc meant that he as heir to the throne couldnt marry her so the attorney general had to look into the legal loop holes to allow the wedding to go ahead. Philanthropy Thank you so much. I recall being at a childrens birthday party when the awful news broke in Sydney that she had passed. Interested readers might want to look at this Wikipedia discussion on the legal aspects (or illegal aspects!) The South Node shows past lives, you see. Hell be aware a man (journalist?) Ive just been asked by the Daily Express to look at Harrys chart, so I wont spill the beans about the rest of the chart here. He is in the best cycle in 12 years to do that, prematurely, until May 2023. Theres a bit of subconscious NLP going on. Thank you, Jessica. Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. Meghan took the job but will feel the full weight of it, from March 2023. This whole Shakespearian drama appears to have nothing to do with my corner of the world but it sooo does! Part of the loophole was the European human rights act. It left me wondering about the danger of a stroke for King Charles with the blame being stress of family tensions. It is quite specific, even for a nightmare. The Henry VIII connection M&H married on the 19th May, the day of Anne Boleyns beheading in 1536. Her very close relationship with Marcus Anderson has also been questioned. Thank you. Trump? Prince Harry suffers from anxiety and is vulnerable to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after serving in the army as a Captain and also childhood trauma of course, from the death of his mother. Other support given for the Harry-Russia link is a place where Meghan stayed. Thank you. A slight angle change and different lens can distort size quite a bit. And so it is to YouTube we turn for video of Meghan, pregnant, dressing like Diana, sporting a stomach with a mind of its own. While most of the world watches this petty whingeton from British Spare and his spouse as great entertainment, I must say from my perspective (I daily follow most of UK press) the media pro/contra frenzy might be counterproductive in the long run. Do you think it will last? As always, I wonder about the veracity of the information we are presented with. He thinks it was the firm planting stories but what if it was Meghan who was leaking the stories. Bizarre. How astonishing. He obviously has him or her on speed dial. Like I know they represent the country & provide stability, but my goodness the privilege! The hive is buzzing with activity. Ive just had five more questions in the last five minutes so I will continue to update this feature. Thank you so much for this thoughtful commentary, Jessica. Fair? She really doesnt understand your work, nor, if I may be so bold, your motives. Astrology drives this feature along with the vast majority of my readers, who are quite rightly questioning what is being served up here. It can also happen, at best, every 12 years. We walked around it and my husband stepped away from me towards the lake to look at something. Its Mercury Retrograde after all. I agree. To my mind, any stage management of the monarchys demise is not so much the result of a few isolated but nonetheless powerful groups of republicans, but the unfoldment of a global plan. She was delivering a somber speech, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt hear what she was saying. We also have and still do share our love of astrology so naturally (only having their sun signs to follow) we believed that this was a match made in heaven. Im sure these light workers also exist in various agencies. I just did not have time to analyse five natal charts on the day, as the Comments section on my website can be so busy. If William, who it appears is the real target of Hs rage, feels hes being sold out by any deal- could he end up being the one walking away? I was reminded of the time shortly before Diana died when I was in that same half state and inwardly saw Arabs plotting but whether to stop Diana and Dodis escape from the Paris hotel or to facilitate it, I really couldnt say. I have quite a few psychic readers, but also professional mediums and clairvoyants, on this website, so I will be interested to see what they say. and South Park brilliantly ridiculing the super couple Harry and Meghan? If Harry has been privy to information of underhanded dealings I fear for him much and all as I consider his behaviour since decamping to Montecito to be pretty disgraceful . What do they all have in common? Thank you. by raising hope cast 2021. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. Do we have a family tree for the Markle family? A gardener? Here is the link to the story, again big apologies for wasting your time if its not credible. Thank you Julie. Have always wondered what the end game is in all this madness. Soho House is certainly expanding; I guess it will take The Sunday Times to dig deeper, or The Guardian. We are being played. My guides have been telling me for months that something big is coming. My mother asked why he thinks that and my father said she was pregnant with a Muslim and that there is no way the Royal Family would let the future king have a Muslim brother. I have replied to you elsewhere, but on the subject of mothers and stepmothers, family ties and so on, you have a stellium in Cancer, which rules mothers of course, and are only now just starting to come out of the long Pluto in Capricorn opposition to Cancer, which began in 2008. She took one look at the diving-board photo shoot and said Shes pregnant. Every psychic and astrology has a theory. Take a picture of a sunset and see if it comes out as you see it. Its a Neptune problem. Id be furious in the same situation- but also extremely worried. Peace is an interesting notion, given the complete lack of peace in the horoscopes in March. Thank you! And your responses are so generous and detailed. The Tarot can be very useful in such cases; you can look at what the various outcomes might be of your involvement with an obvious Leo/Fifth House fresh story. As she does so, everyone disappears and she is left balancing on the pinpoint of the triangular mountain while a giant eagle circles menacingly above her head. This ran in the Daily Mail, quite possibly one of Harrys least favourite newspapers on the planet, on 19th October 2020. I do have a few journalists around the world who follow the astrology and its always useful when the horoscope gets straight to the point; the point very much being Harrys foreign affairs, as weve seen. No for The King to step down, there would have to be another reason. Sorry to wax all philosophical here, but it seems to me that one of the paradoxes of life is that truly great people are humble people. Can you look at my chart, please? This reminded me of a video from the queens funeral whereby it sounds like you can hear Dianas voice and someone (possibly you?) It is a competitive game to them. They were hand made by an international fashion house and needed a team of four people over three days to adjust the fittings. Julie. You have said there are changes coming to the Church of England this has just been published on the BBC -Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings with Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement saying they no longer consider Mr Welby leader of the global communion. That would fit the astrology. Less than six months later Anne had been executed and Henry had married the third of his six wives, Jane Seymour. Brilliant article, as always! I remember that in July 1997, many years ago, Princess Diana was all over the front pages with her new boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed. Why is this the first time I have read about these rumours! The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, the BBC reported on May 8th 2018, had been listening to Stormzy, the grime superstar, before the wedding of Harry and Meghan. Harrys chart suggested a new home or heavily renovated home when I first began this story. In the press it said the RF had instructed him to settle to avoid it overshadowing the Jubilee which seems reasonable. which, notably, ITV has failed to explain. I know Spare has become the fastest-selling non-fiction title in British history, and the paperback edition will make Harry a huge amount of money in royalties but, but, but. He and his wife claim to be all about sensitivity, equality etc.But dehumanizing those he killed, runs contrary to their supposed stance. Very odd. Thank you. There is no evidence at all that Meghan Markle was tapped on the shoulder by a Russian-corrupted part of Trumps FBI. If you cannot at this time I understand. What a brilliant blogpost and the comments it has garnered! We dont know the terms of the late Queens will. Regards Veronica. I have like many others thought for a long time that Meghan was just playing a role and had no intention of working as a senior Royal since before her marriage to Harry, but I thought her role was more self serving as see doesnt like to share the spotlight and she is obsessed with money and fame. Even now trolls are paid to stir up the war between William and Harry; white and black; monarchists and anti-monarchists. Trevor Engelson. Thats why so many astrologers down the years have predicted hell never take the throne. William and Catherine appear to be loving parents, the kind who value family and realize its importance especially in circles as small as theirs. Thank you. It is also (just as importantly) about Russian America. So Harry wrote a memoir, which was his right to do. She sits down beside me. I wonder the credentials and political persuasion of that therapist? It looks like March-June is the turmoil then there is a long leave-taking into 2024. If Pluto is nearing a conjunction with your natal Mercury at 28 Capricorn, and an opposition to your natal Moon at 28 and Saturn at 27 Cancer, use astrology to sidestep career, home, academic career, family issues. Unless you want to disrupt the Church of England, of course, by basically undermining the sanctity of the holy ceremony three days later. In ..1989, I had what Jung might have termed two big dreams. It seems beyond a coincidence that Diana and Kanga both died within only a few months of each other. Too funny. I suppose someone wants a long-term political pay-off. That there maybe a broader plan here to destabilise the British/ American relationship. Dealing with difficult family circumstances, including abusive sister cant escape from due to lack of resources. Because, I quote from this page, Harry wore a near-replica of Tsar Nicholas IIs distinctive frock coat (and beard) when he married Meghan. Source: the Kremlin-funded website Russia Beyond. I remember in one of Dianas interviews she was saying Prince William May look like me but he is more like his father but Prince Harry will be a better king, he will be a peoples king. Institutions need to evolve, of course they do, but this awful situation is part of a hidden global scheme and hopefully light workers will prevail. Especially since her dearest friend Anderson knows everybody who is a member at Soho house, not just that, there are pictures of him and Prince Andrew on a yacht together with some other people, there is no way anybody can tell me that he did not tell her being on vacation elbow to elbow suntanning and drinking gin and tonics with the Prince. Its very odd. A question is asked of Lady C at 41.12 to 43.48 of the video about the subject of the Royal Family apologising to Harry & Meghan. I personally do not see them lasting long, and I feel that he will be the one who will suffer the most.only time will tell. Not only contradicting some of the Oprah claims with Tom Bradby but also contradicting as nonsense Omid Scobies claims in Finding Freedom about MMs supposed security training. Sadly, Anne seems to be part of that group. Which one was it? We have until 2026 for that to unfold; the end of the plutocracy starts far sooner, on March 23rd 2023. And you are right about losing the support of those abroad, mainly in Africa. You can hear more from Pitcher here. It might only make for another Diana a woman chosen only because she is an appropriate marriage candidate, destined for unhappiness. A source told The Sun that things seemed to be getting serious between . This becomes incredibly significant. The theory that makes most sense is that a gun was pulled, or she was told a gun had been pulled, thus the seat belts came off and she and Dodi ducked into the well of the car. At this point I think the team behind the disruption rather over-reached themselves. Weve not seen these transits since Henry VIII and Mary I or (if you prefer) Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. H is known for giving half a story, or his version of a story. wouldnt it be doomed to fail or disappear? Cheers. This is classic Pluto in Capricorn stuff. Some sections are superb, brilliantly ghostwritten and moving. Thanks for your efforts! After the initial love bombing, she seems deep in the slow but steady devaluation stage. The Roman Catholic Church has for centuries, had a rule that clergy remain unmarried and celibate, from the Pope down to the lowliest parish priest. Your articles are the best out there, Jessica. "It's a variation of a seven-year itch and takes seven or eight years of willpower, if they're going to make it." Thank you for updating this blog and for reposting the Leo Weather 2017 for a re-read. The name of Harry and Meghans California mansion is actually Chateau of Riven Rock, not River Rock. Unruffled and arrogant, Henry founded his own church, the Church of England, and made himself the head of it, dropping his allegiance to the Pope. So on to the present-day, and staying aware of the coming cycle you mention in your answer to me. Meghan seems to have no hint of humility, especially after being welcomed with open arms by the British and Commonwealth people, and given a multi-million pound wedding. As a young boy he could protect his mother but he will protect Meghan against anyone. Here are excerpts from Pennys book that I hope I have copied faithfully. And the world has definetely felt more fake and violent without them. Poor Henry ended up dying in the Tower under shadowy circumstances during Edwards second reign. And, hey presto, the peculiar little ceremony held behind the publics back (never mind the Church of England) is rolled out. Can he really have thought that this was the best way to go? They present as well-qualified and knowledgeable, e.g. But asking each individual congregation what they want would at least serve rather than alienate. H & M legal marriage certificate is the day of the big wedding. Well never know. We know how John Lennon loved to play with words. The primary drama is still March, though. We dont know if the vows were photographed, but they must have been signed, because Meghan told Oprah Winfrey they were decorating their wall. Im no royalist and have republican leanings. Your roots, heritage, culture, ancestry, is up for a deeper dig and closer look this year. But then we are talking about a country with apartheid as its legacy, and with politicians who cannot be trusted except to line their own pockets. It is interesting to ask why. That kind of detail was to sell more books? This is what you read two years ago, back in 2019, on this website . If Samantha Markles lawyers are up to snuff, perhaps an effective light may shine where a series of eclipses concealed for so long. What we have been seeing is really a crisis waiting to happen it will happen in March. The Church of England wants to fund 100 million in compensation for slavery. An eclipse is historically what or who is obscured, concealed and hidden in plain sight. That is why psychic readers feel for him but also (usefully) sense the answers. I tried pulling a tarot card for both Prince William and Prince Harry and I got the Knight of Cups, so Im hoping that means that perhaps one of them will make the journey to rescue the other? March is shaping up to be quite the month. It is all curiouser & curiouser. Our system detects whether DST was applied using the Olson timezone database. That is when we will realise just how important wedding and marriage rules really are. This comment puts things in perspective. Perhaps the paragraph on eclipses and the photographs of Meghans pregnant stomach (looking large, then much smaller) was not clear enough. Im afraid I cant publish your comments even though Id like to thank you for passing them on. It was very cringeworthy and the comments basically blamed Harry for bringing all the negative attention upon himselfand who would have ever imagined Princess Diana being dragged into it that way? China and Russia play a long game. As you have said, there is much that is hidden and no one knows what has really happened. Town and Country magazine, November 14th 2022. Anger, because someone hurts the monarchy. The bigger picture here is the cycle of the South Node in Libra, which rules marriage, and particularly Holy Matrimony, from July. Among other incredible information, she also says that it wasnt an accident, in fact a white car projected the Mercedes towards the pillar. Or did she just sort of happen to be there type thing b/c say the RF wanted to further US relations by having her there? Hello Jessica, Only to then read a prepared speech, unveil a plaque etc, with barely a hint of the real person underneath. Meghan and Harry were visiting the Tomorrows Women Wirral Charity and Hamilton Square. The taxpayers were fooled by a dazzling wedding where the real star of the show was hidden in the congregation under a hat. But could republican groups be responsible for stage-managing the downfall of the monarchy? Edward IV refused permission for the marriage but it took place secretly anyway and they all decamped to Calais to avoid Edwards ire (secret wedding, self exile). Thank you for updating me and all the readers on this thread, now approaching 400 comments. Going to Russias partner, China, she has designs on the Commonwealth, which our late Queen worked so hard to sustain. The conference is set for 7th March 2023. So the medium was authentic. Hi Jessica, A daily mail columnist wrote today that she she was contacted by researchers for Harrys book about Dianas death and the possibility that it was not an accident. Ive not had time to do this, but perhaps readers could look at the guest list for the wedding. Read on to find out why the real story in 2021 is about Meghan's investments, promoted by Oprah Winfrey. HARRY STYLES ASTROLOGY CHART + FUTURE PREDICTIONS By ASTROLOGICWORLD In this video we briefly see Harry's planetary positions and his future. Nick Jones CEO of Soho House said in an interview that by end of 2027 there would be 85 worldwide. He has been taken away from his own family and friends. His wife is close to Markus Anderson and Markus Anderson works for Burkle, who flew on Epsteins plane. Harry has five placements in Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money. He really needs to get a good lawyer. Diana is the trump card (or the Trump card, if you believe in the Trump-Russia operation, ongoing). I was sad to see a subscriber leave because of the discussions here and I am sure you (sadly) get much more abusive comments that you dont post. I suggest people to watch all the video and make their own opinion. Anyone can go. Continue with your great work, Jessica, your readers are still here. Even more interesting is Cranmer, who knew when to bend like Welby. Also linked with MM veil at wedding, flowers of the Commonwealth embroidery- coincidence that Commonwealth seems almost thebattleground for allegiances and influences. As a Penguin author myself I question why the Taliban paragraph went in. Required fields are marked *. But anyway, it was now out there. MP Bob Seeley reckons his private members Bill to strip H&M of Sussex titles will be ready mid February time. x. AI apps can write resumes, stories and student essays. Also transiting Mars will be opposite transiting Pluto in May again making aspects to Georges sun and moon.