He took a portion and so did the rest. He took it and run outside. Then, other strange moments passed though her mind which she didnt remember if she had lived them or not. Get out of there Amy screamed. You are very talented and I hope that you write another Fan Fiction.Julie. Then she realized that she was being quite rude, so she added We can look for it later, when the fire stops, OK?. you r an awesome writer although i did see some mess ups in there but i love heartland and i thought the story was awesome thank you so much for writing this it was totally awesome. Amy qui tournait en rond depuis le retour du reste de l'quipe cherchait un moyen de s'introduire chez Calders, sursauta en entendant les coups frapps la porte. It was just her brain working and reminding her things, it was from that unconscious part of your brain that works only sometimes when you need it. So I saw the ring and thought that that would be the perfect solution. Ty stood up and punched the guys more than once. She smiled at she remembered about last night. 10 years after season 11, who knows what could happen now? But hopefully, everything will be in order nowright? he whispered in her ear. There was not much time, he couldnt live jobless any longer. Lou is talking to Peter at the phone, Mallory is helping Lou with the babys room, Lisa is at the computer and. please keep writing can`t wait to see what Ty will say and how it will end. Amy smiled pretty much. What do you think? She moved her head and kissed him by surprise. He took a bag of food and threw some in to a bucket. Wait a second. So..?She was afraid of what she might hear. He wished so. - She smiled.-. What the hecks going on She thought. Mallorys heart dropped she started daydreaming about his homecoming. When Amy touched Tys arm, all his fellings of anger disappeared in the air like butterflies. She was terrified and dirty; it was difficult not to realize that she had been in those conditions for days. Wonder accompanied them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Jessica, Lou and Peters baby, was happily eating her breakfast. With the impulse, Ty fell down and violently, his head bumped in the arm chair of one of the wooden chairs in the cabins front porch. A doctor came to see her some hours ago, said she was fine. Rating: PG Warnings: none Summary: Amy knows her feelings for Ty are fading and she can't get that kiss with Chase out of her head. Amy turned her head to see the picture and stuck her cheek to Tys. Ty, we cant tell you what to do. If you get married or not, thats not our decision. Jack said more calmed. Call grandpa! Jack was standing in the front porch of his house. One second lasted hours. As soon as he walked inside, he saw Lou and his husband sitting with their daughter. After last night, they had almost forgotten that Lou was pregnant. From where is it come Oh no!. I luv this blog mostly ur fan fiction keep writing please!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ty smiled and kissed her cheek. Amy thought she might had lost memory, because she didnt remember anything at all. He looked at the mirror, smiled at himself and climbed down the stairs to were Amy was. Who knows maybe I have to cook, Lou will sure forget about it, shes too busy planning the future of her baby and for the dude ranch She whispered when she said too busy, He half-smiled after listening to his daughters comment and thought for a second. She stared at his calmed green eyes and tried to decipher what he meant with -. He smiled and tried to hug her. Lets go He said in a low voice. No Nobody knows I guess He didnt know who it was, but the one thing he knew for sure was that if he gets to know who the person was, he was going to make him or her suffer a lot, and by a lot he meant a lot. I think Im making process, I decided to start slow not to make him run for now. Tim was galloping in the Alberta mountains near the wide river that flowed by. Thank you, thank you Why does it have to be so complicated?, Amy smiled Yes, tell that to me and Ty No, not anymore. She was carrying Ty in her arms, she almost couldnt lift his back. He started planning everything for the following night. He didnt wanted to be rude with Lucy, but the words almost escaped from his mouth. It was one of those winter snowy and wintry days. One of the things Amy didnt like was being left with no answers. And of course, Amy and Ty, thinking about their future. I need to talk." Mom is about to tell us, I influenced her, sweet, more like an adult each day. But youre gonna fix him, you always do Lou smiled. Lucy gave him a soft punch in the arm in a friendly way. Lucy seemed to be better than last night, now she was cleaner; her brown hair looked flossy and quite wavy. She's Dating Ty Borden who is 2 yrs older and Training to become a Vet. Lou gave Amy a hopeful look and when Amy turned around she whispered to Ty Good luck lower enough so Amy couldnt listen. It was a lovely summer day today. Everything seemed unreachable but Amy repeated to herself that she couldnt give up. Uh, what are you doing here?. Have you seen your sister? she said she would help me get the horses to the barn, but she didnt show up he said. He was lost in the smoke and the ashes. Hm..yes Ty said confused scratching his head. ShShe needs help He stuttered when he realized all the problems this could bring to him. Then, something more recent came to her mind, but unfortunately she didnt remember every single detail. thank you Tanja! He hopped out of the truck and walked towards her. Well, I dont know She didnt know while to reveal her secret or not. He didnt saw Jack, Tim or Lou who were always waiting outside. Lou carried her daughter tightly in her arms and walked next to Amy with Peter by her side. He stood up and sat in the sofa next to Amy. Did he expected me not to be alive? Crossed through Amys mind, but fastly disappeared in her thoughts when he said the following. But you need to feel much more than that. Whenever you want If you need someone to talk, just look for me He smiled. Her question got lost in the cold air. Ty looked at her Amy, may I ask you something?. does any body know what kind of horse Spartan is? They both suck at being broken up. He had just arrived to Heartland. He tried to mobilize his tired body, but most of it hurt, so he found out that it was not such a successful mission trying to stand up. Its officially The End. He glanced at the girl, who was confused and shocked. I was watching At first, the fight wasnt that equal They were going to kill you She giggled. Those were some of the hundred images that came to her mind. Owns Hudson Vetinary Clinic. Thanks buddy Come this way said and took him by his mane. He opened it and found something shinny, a diamond, a ring. You need to figure out what it is you want." She knew what she wanted; that was why she'd come home. Stinky was homeless and wasnt yet prepared to be ridden. Amy Fleming is in the middle of her first European tour for the World Equestrian Games in Europe. Scott? Sure, Ill talk to him Then she remembered Im afraid he went to Calgary for the week, but anyways, Ty can.. She couldnt finish her sentence, because Tim interrupted. Her smile in her face showed him that she was the most intelligent person of the three of them. She has broken her engagement to Ty Borden and now the two of them may have to learn to carry on with their lives separated by one too many broken promises as they search to find a way to recapture a dream which is slipping away. ! Tim asked. Tys mouth was covered by smoke, so much that he couldnt breathe too much. There was only a gun left on the drivers seat. About that Ty took Amy by her shoulder and led her to her left. Ty Boarden - Amy's fianc. She screamed even louder than she did before. Her head exploded with questions, the most difficult was What should I do? She turned and saw Mallory who was watching everything. First, she couldnt see well, she saw some shapes of people standing next to her. Ty accepted, and took Amy outside by the hand. Spartan continued galloping trough the smoke. She reacted and opened her eyes. ***NEWEST UPDATE, as of April 2022*** Check out Chapter 16 for more information, but I am thinking of rewriting this entire story, thoughts? It does not follow any timeline in the Heartland TV series. Her boyfriend kneeled in front of her and mentioned the traditional and glorious four words. Can`t wait to read your next fan fiction ! We will survive she thought. - Complete Little Talks reviews A small Tamy one-shot set after 10x02. They headed to the truck. Their clothes were full of blood and ashes, their jeans were ripped, her knees were naked, and Tys shirt was almost nothing, just pieces of cloth. Georgie came running out of the house to . It couldnt be true. We told him that he should get a break; he stood all the week here taking care of you. This story is based on Heartland and what happens after Amy and Ty get married. Mallory felt important and intelligent from the inside, noticing that her mind had developed the news in another way that anyone had realized yet. Amy heard what Mallory said and automatically imagined being one week away from Spartan her horse and soul mate. Amy accidentally stepped over a puddle and fell down. Two of them grabbed her shoulders and took her to the car. Amy was staring at the mirror of the bathroom of her room. She was waiting for Ty in the front porch, Amy couldnt wait to see him. With the left energy she had, she mobilized her feet, and started running the fastest she could. She tried to take it out before anyone realized, but it was worthless, her family saw her and of course Mallory said something. How could he get here? Mallory is a fifteen year old girl who had grown up in Heartland since she was twelve, she used to work in the ranch with the horses just as a part of her deal with Jack to stay and go to school there. They laughed and kept on walking. There was just some details that Peter had to live with, he had to apply for a job the soonest possible. She simply could not carry on like that. Amy didnt seem too happy Lou said. She didnt know what to say, Amy felt like if she was going to faint right in front of him. She couldnt understand why this horse was afraid of running in races, he could run perfectly well there. He was unsure of whom that girl was, he couldnt see her face, but she looked just like one person he knew and loved. He was in a sky blue polo shirt and his typical dark jeans. He needed to have this conversation even if his feelings were hurt after they were through with the conversation. Im back! He shouted back as he ran to hug her. She took Ty by his back and started running as fast as possible. Would you marry me? Amys heart went out of her chest as she heard Ty. A morning air filled the stable. Oh my god! Ty She whispered softly. Your a great writer i cant believe you havent written fanfiction before this cuz u do such an awsome job. Oh, no she said trying to exaggerate just to make Jack nervous. The white stayed much time than the others. Amy leaned against the round pen, watching the grey stallion pace the perimeter, watching his ears flick nervously and his nostrils flare as he spun on his heels and kept to the furthest place away from where Amy stood. I mean I love you, a lot, but weve done mistakes, that maybe wont let us go on. The first photo for the album She showed them her hand with the phone. She entered to his room and sat in his bed. He asked for some help to the Bartlett-Fleming family, everybody was happy to help and anxious to know what would happen. I cant believe you just said that You just dont want to be with me. Heartland - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,558 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 11 - Published: Dec 24, 2016 - [Amy F., Ty B.] He was unconscious and his breath was short. Said Caleb. Thanks Ty answered while he walked into Amys bed room. Amy told Ty all the flashbacks she had and described him that horses that appeared in her dreams. The consequences of his visit, however, may do more than break Ty Borden's heartthey could stop it permanently. Amy strangely didnt like him from her first look. He started breathing like a depredator about to catch his victim. Then they were bombarded by a thousand of different questions. What are we going to say?. Great, lets hope she doesnt cause any more problems Jack said relieved. One he is struggling to keep hidden. Peter and Lou had decided to eat something before going to sleep, so when Ty and Amy went inside they found them in the dining table with Jack and Mallory. I dont know. Lou and Peter sat in the other corner, with baby Jessica resting peacefully in her fathers lab and also grabbing her moms hand. You are in time we have just started Jack answered trying to calm down Mallory whos words scaped from their mouth as she explained every single thing about Maggies and all the meals she had to serve. A new chapter!! It was the most amazing thing that had happened to them after getting married. She was the lightest thing that Amy had ever seen. Darling, you may be right Lisa assured. Oh sure Ill do it She smiled. She opened the door and tightened a rope around his dark neck. Her knees had touched some ashes that had been blown by the wind. I was just talking to your father and to Jack. He said and smiled. Tywhen I was in comma, I had some strange thoughts and I remembered some things She kept on talking. Ty slowly opened his eyes. Because you magically disappeared after we talked in the morning. Her cheeks turned red. Dressed in a pair of dusty jeans, black shirt and red zipped sweater which left her right shoulder naked as a consequence of the bad treatment she had received. This will be awesome You will have the best wedding ever!, So, I will have the best wedding planner!. They kissed another time and they returned to the house while Ty hugged her from her back leaving his hands on her waist. We just dropped by to visit Ty pronounced the words sarcastically. please continue writing love the story can`t wait to see how it ends . Heartland - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 34 - Words: 59,488 - Reviews: 204 . Although. Hes kind of scared of speed. She touched his arm and moved her hand to his neck. Again your an amazing writer. Her parents need a rest too Jack advised. Ty, who was also returning, saw Amy in Harley. Janice didnt expect an answer, shut up and left the conversation in a long silence. Everyone went running where the horse had stopped. She was terribly scared when some thoughts came to her mind What about if he is No! She started crying. He would have the loft to himself now that Ty was staying in the house, and also many changes that Mallory had to inform him. Lou was surprised too. They both stood up and hugged. The blondish color of her hair turned up to be red, dark red. Everything went so fast she thought. When it happened with Lou was different because she was twenty something when she married Peter, but with Amy is different He added. Your crying! This made Amy laugh. Tell me, What is it? Amy got more worried. You are the guy who called, right?The tall man said. A smile appeared in her light-colored face. Before any of them could speak again, they felt asleep. And with the lovely scene, this story comes to an end. love it ! Little cheesy but LOVED it i wish heartland was more like this !!!!!!!!!!!! heartland fanfiction amy rated: m. By Posted halston hills housing co operative In anson county concealed carry permit renewal. It was quite an impossible situation, although he didnt know her very well, Ty felt as she couldnt lie to him. You dont know how much!Thank youThank you for saving me. Keep on walking He said and closed her eyes with his hands. thnx its torture waiting great to no tht more is coming. Thanks a lot Jack added. At least we know he has his pants on Jack said trying to calm the rest of the family. Im ok He barely could speak. !I got to this page through the heartland episodes on youtube. Amy began to panic. The only thing that Ty could think about was how was he going to fix this problem. Good boy She whispered. You are really special for us we dont know how to thank you, anything in the world would be enough.. Like when a dehydrated plant receives water. Amys heart froze. Out of the blew, Ty broke the ice, and said I dont do this all the time, Im not used to saving people..Im not a type of Superman, or anything alike, Thank you She added. Ty is in his studies but he has been working with Scott, he may not be a definite vet but maybe he can help. Ty got closer to Amy and then kissed her. Bring down Charlie and yourselves to the family room please. Mallory stay here with Lou Jack said in a nervous voice. Then, she thought about her life with Ty, and that was when she felt a soft warm tear escaped from her eyes and fell to her cheek. Tim also left. Flemings in a good mood! She imitated what he said. Then Lucy spoke You must have a lot of experience in fighting and punching.. I saw you kick those guys ass. They trotted at first, but then Amy realized it wasnt such a good idea since Stinky started running faster than them. Everybody was laughing about Tys dangerous date, but Ty was nervous. They wanted to kiss but it would be quite embarrassing because the other would be watching or maybe laughing. If I only knew we would be together she thought. When the police man grabbed the suit with the other hand something small felt from its pocket. How Fast Is The Earth Moving Around The Sun, Huffman Bridge Accident Today 2022, Main Advantages Of Rdbms Are, Best Butane Torch For Jewelry Making, Bob Warman First Wife, Revelation 22:19 Lose Salvation . Back in the barn, Amy was coming back from her trail ride with the two horses. While she headed out of the barn, - trying to get the new horse out her green eyes met Harleys, who was saddled up, standing still, waiting for someone to ride him. Its time said a voice in his mind. She couldnt think of a better way to begin. She looked wise and serious when she returned every single sight that they gave them. Hes coming with Ashley, they saw smoke from the trailer, the fire is growing too fast Lou replied. The characters in this TV series are : Amy Fleming - main character. We have to tell them now She stuttered as she pointed to her family They will know what to do. Jack was parking his truck near the other vehicles when he saw the violent scene happening right in front of hes eyes. "Lou where's my coat" Yelled Georgie. Like those dreams you dream many times and then that same thing happens to you in real life. Could you come to the Ranch House tomorrow, late morning. While Badger and Tara are only there for the summer. Hey Mallory Arent you supposed to be working at Maggies? Ty asked. She was terrified. The suspense is killing me . He is outside. In fact he had many ideas, but as he couldnt decide, he put them all together. I will They walked hand in hand. Lyndy never knew what her dad ( Ty) went through in his teenage years. She gulped, she felt really sensible, like if any single word would hurt her. Everyone began to follow Spartan, but they couldnt catch him. Ty and Tim crossed looks when they sat on the dining room. The sun was hiding between the mountains leaving the blue sky almost dark. He slammed the cars side door and stood up watching the picture. Son Ty thought. Then, a trees branch fell on his the horses way. Does he fly? Amy asked to herself. Have you ever considered writing a book . Ty pulled off his boots with one hand; the other held all his toiletries and a change of clothes rolled up in a towel. She made the horse follow her to the barn. We should go to have lunch.. Jack said. There was a red mini van parked in one side of the road. He turned around, and saw two police cars just parked, and some men running to them. You ready? Ty asked while he helped Amy pack her stuff in her bag. I was stupid enough to get on their way. I decided to finish what I had started He made a stop in between. They heard a noise outside and looked through the window, except for Amy who was lost in her thoughts.